
Dalston-Crown Hill United Church is a community of faith near Barrie, ON that offers companionship for your faith journey.

We are now open online (using Zoom) and for in-person Worship on Sunday morning normally at 10:30 AM.  Contact us at dalcrown@gmail.com if you want to be on our email distribution list regarding online activities, or you want further information.

You can find recorded reflections on our Facebook page  https://www.facebook.com/dalcrownucc  or the Facebook tab.

We believe in “tailor-made” faith rather than “one faith fits all”

Dalston church hall and sanctuary are now wheelchair accessible, with the installation of a lift (elevator style) from the hall to upstairs.  We can now accommodate you and your mobility device, through our accessible door (side entrance off parking lot) going into the kitchen, where a ramp will take you into the hall, and from there the lift can transport you upstairs. Our downstairs gender neutral washroom has also been upgraded to meet accessibility codes.

The congregation of Dalston-Crown Hill United Church is very diverse in its understanding an experience of God.  Biblical readings are heard and hymns are sung literally by some people and metaphorically by others. This is consistent with the understanding that the United Church of Canada has had from its inception that each person is encouraged to have his/her own personal relationship with God.


Everyone is welcome!
