Donations by CanadaHelps, Interac e-Transfer, etc.

You can mail your cheque or envelopes to Joe Kelly (Phone:  705-722-6985; Email:  You can also contribute by PAR.  Call Joe or George Isaac (705-835-2750) or email if you have any questions.

The additional options of using CanadaHelps and Interac e-Transfer are described below.

  • Donate through CanadaHelps by clicking the “Donate Now” button below.  Just follow the instructions, fill out the form and click Donate.  You can use a Credit Card or a PayPal account.  Please indicate in the box provided how you want the funds used.  CanadaHelps will provide you the receipt immediately, and give the money directly to Dalston-Crown Hill.  CanadaHelps charges a fee (3 to 4% of the donation) which covers the credit card and PayPal charges, etc.

Donate Now Through!

  • Donate using Interac e-Transfer. Banks allow account holders to pay bills and transfer money via e-Transfer.  It is simple to set up, but every bank is slightly different.  Once set up, send the funds to our email address at  Please make sure you designate in the appropriate box how you want the money spent.  For example, xx percent on local church expenses and xx percent for the Mission and Service Fund.  The money will automatically be deposited into our bank account as coming from you.  Sheila Knelsen, our church Envelope Secretary, will be informed of the donation and you will get a tax receipt at the end of the year.


