North Simcoe Life November 2017

The autumn of 2017 has been filled with a multitude of opportunities to connect in community and build relationships at both Dalston-Crown Hill and Forest Home United Churches.  We want to let you know that we would love to welcome you over the season of Christmas and beyond!

This fall people have responded to invitations to gather for the Men’s Breakfast to greet, meet and eat; the 4F Program which is an evening of fun, friendship and food on a Friday for kids and their adult(s); Chit-Chat, Sip ‘n Snack which is a time of conversation for women; the Fall Feast; a Meditation Circle which just keeps growing as people invite friends.

We invite you to check out the list below to consider opportunities that would be life-giving for you over the season of Christmas and into the New Year!

Naomi Bristow shares a Christmas Concert Friday December 1st 7:00 p.m. at Forest Home United Church. Tickets are $15 and children under 12 are free. For tickets please call Bonnie at 705-325-8384 or Phyllis at 705-326-0766.

Come and be part of the Mediation Circle for a time of pausing in the midst of busy lives and a busy season. Anyone is welcome on Mondays December 4th, 11th and 18th at 7:30 p.m. at Forest Home United Church.

The children of Forest Home are hosting a Christmas Pageant with a pancake breakfast to follow on Sunday December 10th. Come and be part of the fun! The pageant begins at 9:30 a.m. This is a wonderful time of celebration for people of all ages with lots to delight children.

A family event for the whole community….A Country Church Family Christmas which is led by a cast of all ages happens on Sunday December 10th at 2:30 p.m. at Dalston-Crown Hill! It is a great event for everyone including families with young children. You are invited to stay for refreshments after.

A special Christmas Service of Carols and Readings is on Sunday December 17th at 9:00 a.m. at Forest Home and 10:30 a.m. at Dalston-Crown Hill.

A special time to light candles for those we miss at Christmas will be happening at both churches. The service is called Candles of Remembrance and Love. It includes lighting candles in memory of loved ones we remember at Christmas. It is offered twice; Sunday December 17th 7:00 p.m. at Dalston-Crown Hill and Wednesday December 20th 7:30 p.m. at Forest Home. If you have questions please call Karen at 705 325 7998 or email her at  Please invite others who miss someone at Christmas.

On Christmas Eve there will be two services, at Forest Home at 4 p.m. that is a family service designed to engage children, and at Dalston-Crown Hill at 7 p.m. that is a Christmas Eve Communion Service for all ages. There will be no Sunday services in the morning.

In the New Year we plan to invite our neighbours and community to celebrate the newly installed lift which is enhancing accessibility at Dalston-Crown Hill. We encourage people to think of this newly accessible space for community events.

Watch for dates in the New Year for: Meditation Circle; Men’s Breakfast; ‘Chit-Chat Sip ‘n Snack’; 4F on January 19th; the Ham Supper in May; Community Forums to respond to interests and to engage in conversations that matter.

Below are glimpses of activities this fall that will continue in the New Year.

Dalston-Crown Hill United Church has been hosting a women’s gathering called ‘Chit-Chat Sip ‘n Snack’. This is an open gathering for the women of the community to enjoy each other’s company and share a cup or two together. There is no agenda. There is simply an open door, a chair ready for you, a warm cup of welcome and simple conversation with your neighbours. Call Janet at 705-835-2750, if you would like to come to our next event. Call if you need a ride or want more information. We look forward to welcoming you.

In October the men of the community joined together at the church to share a men’s breakfast and see the workings of our new lift first hand. This event happens throughout the year and we will keep the community posted as to when the next gathering is happening.

At Forest Home we had our first 4F gathering for families, children and friends of children on October 27 with the theme of Welcome. Look for the colourful Tibetan Prayer flags we created to blow in the wind outside both Forest Home and Dalston United Churches as a reminder of our prayer that you experience welcome and a sense of belonging in your life. You are always welcome in both congregations. Our next 4 F Gathering is January 19 at Regan House which is fully accessible. If you are interested in learning more about this event please contact Ruth at 705-229-6513.

Dalston-Crown Hill congregation is delighted to be supporting a mission trip to Nicaragua with Open Hands United with 14 youth and 4 adult leaders from 7 different United Church congregations that will happen in the summer of 2018.  A youth from Dalston-Crown Hill, Nicholas Butler, will be participating. Some of the projects the Open Hands Youth Mission has funded in Puerto Cabazas include  building a community library, filling the library with books and computers, purchasing a school bus for the high school, supporting water projects, buying musical instruments, and beginning to build an elementary school. The congregation is committed to helping Nicholas raise money to cover participant expenses as well as to support projects. If you would like to help sponsor Nicholas you can attend a lunch after church on December 17th at 11:45 a.m. The free-will offering will go toward the trip and projects. Call Bev Butler at 705-487-1874 for details.

We were pleased to welcome many of you on November 4th at the church in Dalston for the Fall Supper to share the feast and the variety of homemade pies! We would love to see you again for the Ham Supper in May.

For more information about the two congregations you will find Forest Home United Church and Dalston-Crown Hill United Church on Facebook. Or go to the websites  and The community gathers on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. in Forest Home and at 10:30 in Dalston. The doors are open to welcome anyone who would like to come.


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